The Love and Relationship Days Report uses transiting planets to show the relationship centered days for you to look forward to for a five year period. Days that bring about a feeling of love and affection, days which further cement your marriage or commitment and even sexually co-creative and deep "soul mate" bonding days are shown.
The report does not time days of quarrelling, breaking up, divorce and other such tragedies – life is hard enough without having a time table of horrible days to look towards, so we decided not to add those days into the report. If you have one of those days, just look for the next favorable love day to come along in your Love and Relationship Days Report, during which you will be able to improve your relationship in some way.
The report also does not predict whether you are in period for marriage or meeting someone significant. It simply provides the days of love and relationship as determined by the transiting planets - if you have someone in your life you will fully enjoy these days. If you are not in a relationship then these days will not be very meaningful, unless you are in a relationship centered period, in which case one of these days will be the day you meet your partner to be. This report, however, does not attempt to predict whether you are in a relationship centered period.
So get this report if you want to know the days the feelings of love and relationship will come your way and to know the enjoyable and productive days in your future with your significant other, but do not get this report if you want to know that somewhere off in the future day on which you are going to meet your partner - for that you will have to consult an astrologer skilled in predictions and after you meet that person, get this report so that you can know those special days to look forward to with them.
This report is a 5 year long list of relationship events and their dates.
Birth Time Requirements: This is an event predictive report and for predicting events accurate birth time is essential. It is just not possible to make predictions with inaccurate birth time, so make sure that you have your birth time to the minute from a reliable source such as your birth certificate.
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